What do I have to lose?
My name is Charli, and I am the sole owner and operator of every dang things at Flame and Flagon Candle Company. From the scent blends ideas, to mixing, pouring and testing, creating and printing each and every label, updating the website and social media... All while having two dogs and a toddler at my heels. Don't ask how I do it - just take a look at my copious coffee bar and you'll get the idea. I'm a 30 year old mom of one, wife, sister, daughter, niece, based, born and raised in south Jersey. I like things that smell good and I probably have a dash of ADHD judging by my F+F "to-do" list.
It started as a fleeting idea, just like a lot of other things. I've always loved video games and candles, and years ago, I had the idea to combine my love of both in creating candles inspired by my favorite games - namely Elder Scrolls and the Fallout series.
The idea sat in the back of my mind for years but I never acted on it because... well, it seemed overwhelming and I thought, "Who would even buy them?" But after catching myself online window shopping for video game inspired candles and not finding anything I'd consider true to the lore, I finally decided to bite the bullet and put my plans into action. I had my son one year prior and had since assumed the stay-at-home parent role and to avoid burnout and a way to bring in some extra income, what did I have to lose?
So, I started brainstorming, researching, and ultimately creating a line of home fragrance directly inspired by my favorites. I began asking my friends and family for suggestions on scents that they love or from different games that I could potentially dream up into a tangible, immersive and delicious scent. Getting a better feel for what the people want has always been a huge factor in what I decide to put out; I want people to love smelling my products as much as I love creating them!
Each candle is inspired by a character, region, food or beverage from each series - with a few seasonally inspired scents thrown in the mix to shake things up a bit - because who doesn't love the smell of freshly squeezed lemonade in the summer, or the scent of bonfire lingering on your favorite flannel in the fall? Or the ever-popular Blitzen's Breath in the winter!
I've since created custom scented votives for a wedding and custom candles for congratulatory gifts, mug candles, citronella bucket candles, luxury body products, and I'm constantly searching for new things to create and share - just ask my poor husband, who has to hear about fragrances and new blend ideas every single day! Numerous label changes as I grow and hone my specific brand, scent name changes, all to culminate into what you see today... Example seen here with Salem, previously named Museum of Witchcraft. Phew, she got a glow up.
So... there you have it - Flame and Flagon was born, and here I am just doing the dang thing that I love and sharing my creations with y'all.